Chat with any AI model, organize prompts, and discover use cases

Collaborate with your entire company in one shared workspace hosted on your own server or private cloud

Helping organizations put AI to work from day one

Making AI work for your organization is hard

You’re limited to one AI model, have to worry about data safety, can’t organize your AI workflows, and have no way of measuring what success looks like

We make it safe and easy

We help your company use any AI model, find the right use cases for it, keep data safe, organize your workflows, and track results

Stay flexible and use the best AI model for every task

Make it yours with an easy to use Toolkit to build custom use cases

Save your team time with Organized Collaboration

Stay compliant and keep your data Private and Secure

Become great at AI with Education from the best

[coming soon]

Level up with Workflows & Integrations

Create faster with your complete AI toolkit

Discover, edit, prompt, collaborate, and automate

Speed up work with pre-made prompts, use cases, and editable AI Pages

Edit AI output easily with AI Pages in Team-GPT
Employ AI at your service to ideate, write, and edit anything in a streamlined process