General questions

No, you don’t need a ChatGPT Plus subscription to use Team-GPT.
Instead, you need to obtain an API key from OpenAI, which you can get here. After connecting your API key to Team-GPT, you can use the system and pay OpenAI for your usage. You’ll be billed at the end of the month based on your actual usage, which can be more cost-effective, especially if you’re collaborating with other people.

The free plan can be used by up to 2 people (including you).

You will not be able to use Team-GPT without setting an API key.

After signing into Team-GPT, go to the “Set API key” menu. From there, you can enter your API key in the appropriate field and save the changes. This will connect your OpenAI API key to Team-GPT, allowing you to use the platform. 

Yes, if you have a GPT-4 API key. If you don’t have one, you can join the GPT-4 API waiting list here.

1. Log in with your credentials. Log in.

2. Set your API key (create one here if needed).

3. Invite team members.

4. Start collaborating in Team-GPT.

Admins can select the default model for their organization between GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4, offering flexibility and cost-efficiency. This default setting can be modified in individual conversations as needed. Admins can make these changes through the “Settings” menu.

You have two options to add your license key or promo code:

  1. After you log in, you will see “Already have a license or promo code? Activate here.” Click on it to enter your license key or promo code.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on the “Free” button, input your license key or promo code, and activate it.

Even if you don’t remember your password, you can always log in by choosing to receive a code or a link. But if you want to know your password and save it for a faster access to the platform, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to https://chat.team-gpt.com/
  2. Sign in with your email address (the one used during registration)
  3. When prompted for a password, enter a random one to access the “Use another method” option.
  4. Choose between “send a link” or “send a code” to receive an email so you can log into the platform.

5. After logging in, visit https://chat.team-gpt.com/change-password to change your password securely.

API Keys Questions

To get an API key, please visit this link. Once there, you can create, manage, and retrieve your API keys for your account.
Paying OpenAI for API usage means that you are purchasing access to utilize OpenAI’s advanced language model APIs, like ChatGPT or GPT-4. The fees cover the cost of using the resources required to process and generate responses to user inputs. The amount you pay depends on your usage. To monitor your usage, visit this link.

Yes, you can set limitations on your API usage to manage and control your costs. You can do this by visiting this link. By setting a specific limit, you can ensure that you don’t accidentally exceed your desired usage amount, especially during the first month while you are still evaluating GPT API services.


Yes, the same API key can be used for multiple organizations.

Team members, permissions, and roles

To increase the capacity of your organization and add more people, click on the “Pro” button within the platform and look for the “Need additional license” option. By clicking on “Get yours here,” you can expand the number of people allowed in your organization.

There are two ways to invite team members:

  1. After creating an organization during sign-up, you’ll reach a screen where you can invite up to 1 team member while still on the free plan. This step can also be skipped, and you can invite a team member later.
  2. Inside the platform, click “Invite” and enter your team member’s email address. Press Enter to activate the “Send invitations” button.

Important: The free plan allows up to 2 people, including you. The Pro Plan accommodates up to 10 people. To add more teammates, purchase additional seats here or from the Upgrade button in the top right.

In Team-GPT, admins have specific privileges that differentiate them from regular members:

  1. Admins can set, update, or clear OpenAI API keys.
  2. Admins have the authority to choose the default model for their organization, such as GPT-3.5 Turbo or GPT-4.
  3. Admins can enable or disable personal chats at the organization level, controlling the availability of this feature for all members.

These distinctions are expected to evolve further based on user feedback and requirements, ensuring we continually adapt and improve the platform to better serve our customers.

In Team-GPT, only admins have the privileges to set, update, or clear the OpenAI API key. Regular members do not have the necessary permissions to modify the API key within the platform.

Errors and error messages

ChatGPT faces character count limitations while generating responses. If the input is complex or demands a detailed answer, its output may be lengthy. ChatGPT halts to avoid losing user attention or creating confusion. If it stops, you can type “continue” to make it proceed.

This error indicates that the API key you entered is invalid. Please double-check and ensure you’ve entered the correct API key.

This error means your API key is missing or invalid. Make sure you’ve entered a valid API key or input one if it’s missing.

This error asks you to check your billing information. Please visit this link to review and update your billing info as needed.

The number of people you can invite depends on your subscription plan:

Free Plan: You can have up to 2 people (including you).

Pro Plan: You can have up to 10 people (including you).

To add more teammates, you must remove an existing member or revoke a pending invitation. Alternatively, you can purchase additional user seats to increase the number of people on your team.

After entering a team member’s email, press Enter. Otherwise, the button “Send invitations” will remain inactive.


Yes, Team-GPT offers two distinct themes: light and dark theme, allowing users to customize their interface based on their preferences.

Yes, Team-GPT allows you to arrange chats and prompts in folders, providing a clean and efficient organization structure to manage your conversations and templates.

Personal chats in Team-GPT function similarly to ChatGPT’s 1:1 user-AI chats. Users can communicate with the AI and receive responses, while enjoying an individual, focused chatting environment.

In Team-GPT, you can fork a chat from a specific message point to branch the conversation. By doing so, you can create either a new personal or shared chat, including all messages up to the selected point in the original conversation. This allows you to explore conversational alternatives or follow up on specific topics without affecting the original chat.

Shared chats in Team-GPT allow multiple team members within the same organization to participate in the same chat thread. This enables seamless collaboration, as multiple users can interact with the chatbot in a single conversation, without being limited by who submitted the initial input.

There are two types of conversations/chats – personal and shared.

Shared prompts are predefined templates that can save considerable time for users. They allow team members to create and reuse templates specific to their use case, reducing the need for repetitive text input and streamlining the collaborative process.

Yes, users can react to messages with various emojis, enabling a more interactive and expressive communication experience within the platform.

Not at the moment but we are working on adding this feature.

Personas in Team-GPT are a type of specialized prompt that can significantly enhance ChatGPT’s output. By instructing ChatGPT to act as a specialist in a specific domain, users can achieve better results tailored to their unique requirements.

Yes, you can delete a message in Team-GPT, which effectively clears the context created by that message and allows the AI to proceed without recalling that particular input.

Yes, Team-GPT allows you to search for conversations and folders by name, streamlining navigation. However, the ability to search within conversation content is currently in development and will be available in a future update.

Currently, this feature is not available. Conversations in Team-GPT can be either personal or shared with all team members. However, we are actively working on enhancing sharing capabilities, and we will update you once this feature has been implemented.