AI in Marketing: How it’s Changing the Marketing Landscape in 2024

Picture of Martin Yochev
Martin Yochev
7 min read
Picture of Martin Yochev
Martin Yochev
7 min read
AI in Marketing
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The application of AI in marketing is quite interesting to watch. Businesses now use AI to build marketing strategies and get better results. And why not? Solutions like chatbots, AI writing tools, and email marketing automation are too good to pass on. In this article, we take a closer look at how AI is changing the face of marketing.


  • Hyper-personalization, customer segmentation, and content creation are some of the key applications of AI in marketing.
  • Major challenges of using AI in marketing are data privacy concerns, algorithm bias and misinformation.
  • Voice search optimization, augmented reality, and predictive personalization are key technologies to look out for in the future of AI marketing.

What are the key applications of artificial intelligence in marketing?

However big the buzz about AI in marketing might be, it’s the application that matters. Do you use chatbots to deliver better customer service and engagement? Or do you just stick to AI writing tools, creating high-quality content at scale? Your application of AI marketing determines how much benefit you get from it. 

Let’s do a quick tour of the key applications of artificial intelligence in marketing.

How does AI enable hyper-personalization in marketing campaigns?

Imagine entering a store and right at the entrance is a shelf filled with your favorite goods. It’s almost as if the store owner got a glimpse of your shopping list. As a result of this thoughtfulness, you don’t have to go around the store looking for what to buy. You save time and feel special.

That’s how AI-driven personalization algorithms work in marketing campaigns. They analyze data and use the results to generate tailored content, recommendations, and experiences for your customers and prospects. 

These algorithms study customer behavior – the things they buy, search for, and add to their cart. They also analyze the time customers spend on specific pages and how they interact with emails and social media. With this, the algorithms predict and recommend the items the customer prefers and also deliver personalized content, making the customer journey smoother. 

Simply put, AI makes your prospect or customer think you’re talking to only them when in actual fact, you’re talking to many people. 

Netflix does a good job here. Their marketers have mastered the art of personalized campaigns for customer engagement. Once a customer logs into the app, they’re presented with movies and shows specially curated for them based on their viewing habits and search history. 

Amazon is also great at providing personalized content with AI. The algorithms analyze customer behavior like browsing history, past purchases and other related factors to come up with tailored content and recommendations, improving customer satisfaction. 

What are the benefits of AI-powered customer segmentation?

AI-powered customer segmentation has proven to be super useful for marketing teams. It places customers into categories based on behaviors, preferences, and other factors, drawing out valuable customer insights.

Here are a few AI clustering techniques:

  • K-Means clustering: This technique involves dividing customers into similar clusters called ‘k’, where ‘k’ is a predefined number. The algorithm calculates the distance between different data point groups and creates ‘k’ segments. K-Means clustering enables marketers to create distinct groups that can be targeted.
  • RFM analysis: By using factors like ‘recency’, ‘frequency’, and ‘monetary’, AI algorithms group customers based on their purchasing behavior.  
  • Hierarchical clustering: This machine-learning algorithm groups customers into a hierarchy of nested clusters. The result is a set of clusters where data points of the same cluster share similarities. 

AI-powered customer and audience segmentation comes with several benefits. Here are some:

  • Precision: You know exactly who you’re targeting and for what. This precision ensures your marketing efforts are more focused, yielding better results. 
  • Dynamism: AI doesn’t assume. It reflects real-time customer behavior and adjusts accordingly. With this, you can effectively respond to changing customer needs.
  •  Improved ROI: While AI-powered customer segmentation tools might cost you a tidy sum initially, the return on investment is well worth it. Precise targeting drives conversion, leading to significant ROI. 

Let’s check out two case studies of how AI-powered customer segmentation has benefitted businesses. 

STS Gaming Group wasn’t getting the best results from its marketing campaigns and decided to try AI. They partnered with Optimove, an AI-driven CRM marketing platform, to improve their segmentation, get deeper customer insights and maximize their personalization efforts. 

With AI-powered customer segmentation, STS Gaming Group was able to personalize 83% of its customer segments, and achieve a live customer monthly communication ratio above 90%. 

Crunchbase is another example of the effectiveness of AI-powered customer segmentation. They were having difficulty understanding how users were interacting with their platform. However, with the help of Heap, an AI marketing tool, they’ve been able to meaningfully segment users and explore user behavior. This has given them deeper customer insights, improved customer engagement, and enhanced their marketing strategies. 

How can marketers leverage AI for content creation and curation?

Content creation is now a cakewalk with artificial intelligence. With the help of AI tools, marketers can now create quality content that will resonate with their target audience with minimal effort. All it takes is a couple of clicks and social media posts, blog articles and product descriptions are ready to be published.

These AI tools use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to generate content in milliseconds, making it easy for marketers to produce content in bulk.

So, it’s not surprising that marketers are milking this technology to the fullest, with studies showing that 61.5% of them have been using AI tools to produce content. According to another report, 42.2% of marketers have experienced improved content creation with artificial intelligence, making their campaigns more efficient. 

Here’s a list of common AI content-generating tools for marketers:

  • Writing tools: These AI tools let you create text for blog posts, social media content, emails, landing pages, and other marketing copy. Team-GPT is a perfect example of an AI writing tool. Not only does it allow you to create content, you can also work in teams. With an intuitive and collaborative workspace, marketing teams can brainstorm, communicate, draft, and edit content in real-time. 
  • Content optimization tools: After creating content, you want it to rank on search engines. That’s where content optimization tools come in. They help you optimize your content for search engines. With this tool, you can refine your content by tweaking the keywords for better search engine ranking. A good example of this tool is Surfer SEO.
  • AI image generators: Images make content more engaging. Research shows that articles with images receive 94% more views than those without. Thankfully, AI image generator tools now make it easy for marketers to generate tons of images without technical skills. A tool like Canva can generate hundreds of images that can be used for blog articles and social media posts.
  • AI video tools: Nine of ten businesses use video as a marketing tool. Do all their marketers have graphic design skills? Of course not. AI video tools do the trick. As a marketer, having an arsenal of these AI marketing tools lets you create engaging videos like a pro – without advanced video editing skills.

To integrate AI into your content marketing strategies, try these best practices:

  • Have a standard digital marketing strategy: A solid AI marketing strategy is the foundation upon which your AI marketing tools will lay. To get the most out of AI, you need a clear framework. Once you’ve set the standard, AI will align. This will help you create consistent and quality content that are in line with your brand’s goals.
  • Optimize your content for search engines: Do keyword research, practice on-page optimization, place keywords strategically, optimize your images, and follow other SEO best practices to rank high on search engines. 
  • Distribute your content with AI: Manually posting your content on different platforms could be time-consuming and cumbersome. However, with AI, it’s a walk in the park. Automate your content distribution with AI marketing tools. These tools help with scheduling and distribution, saving time and effort while ensuring your content reaches multiple platforms at the right time.
  • Track your content: AI marketing tools give you detailed analysis and insights into how your content is doing. Some of these tools are all-in-one solutions, managing your content from creation to analytics. With content analytics and insights, you can make data-driven decisions and improve your strategy.

What are the challenges of using AI in marketing? 

AI makes marketing easier, no doubt. But like a coin, it has two sides. We love the good side but on the other side are several drawbacks. While these downsides do not overshadow the benefits of AI, every marketer should be aware of them and manage them effectively. Let’s discuss three of these challenges.

Data privacy concerns

Artificial intelligence gets its superpowers from the customer data it draws from your campaigns. And the large amounts of personal information it collects from customers and leads raise huge data privacy concerns. This is because no one really knows how much customer data AI collects and how it is used.

For example, AI-driven hyper-personalization improves customer experience, but it also poses data security risks. The large amount of customer data collected to achieve this goal increases the risk of data breaches.

Of course, we have laws guiding data use online like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), and other related data privacy laws. However, there are gray areas when it comes to AI – there is no transparency in how customer data is used, so regulating it is not straightforward. 

Algorithmic bias

Sadly, the same algorithms that create personalized experiences can also introduce bias. AI systems work with existing data and if that data has elements of bias, the algorithms will amplify them. 

As powerful as AI is, it is not sophisticated enough to understand societal norms and differences in cultures and contexts, making it unable to draw accurate conclusions. This can make marketing messages insensitive and unsuitable for diverse audiences.


AI is useful but not perfect. It sometimes misinforms, which can be counterproductive. This is especially true for large language models like ChatGPT. 

So, what causes AI misinformation? The quality of data it receives tops the list. If the data is inaccurate or outdated, we’ll be looking at a classic case of “garbage in, garbage out”. Another factor is a lack of context. AI lacks human understanding, so it can’t properly interpret context, leading to misinformation. 

Being aware of the challenges of AI in digital marketing is one thing, managing them is another. To manage data privacy concerns, transparency is key. While you’re not in control of how AI processes data, it’s important to let customers know how you collect and use their data. 

Also, ensure you give them the option to decline if they’re uncomfortable with data usage terms and conditions. This transparency builds trust and shows you respect their preferences. 

To reduce the risk of algorithmic bias in your campaigns, take a good look at your data inputs to understand how they influence AI results. Adjust them to reflect multiple perspectives and diverse demographics. This will help you get more inclusive and accurate outputs.

Finally, relying solely on information from AI content-generators without double-checking is not an ethical AI best practice. Exercise a decent level of human oversight, it’s one of the most effective ways to use AI responsibly.

What does the future hold for AI in marketing?

It’s exciting to see how AI is shaping the marketing industry, and we certainly can’t wait to see what the future holds. Let’s go over some of the emerging AI technologies and how they’ll potentially impact digital marketing. 

Voice search optimization is one area that looks quite promising. The introduction of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa is making more people embrace voice search, hence the need for you to optimize your website for voice search if you’ve not done it already. So, when users ask questions using voice commands, your website content can rank high in search engines.

Augmented Reality (AR) is another game-changer in the foreseeable future. With the AR market predicted to double in a couple of years, we’re set to see significant growth in AR marketing. To benefit from this technology, consider integrating AR into your digital marketing strategies. With features like interactive product demos and virtual try-ons, you can offer your customers more immersive experiences and also be one step ahead of your competitors. 

We’re also looking at more advanced predictive personalization in AI marketing.  AI would be able to predict customers’ behaviors, needs, and preferences more precisely in the coming years. Recommendations will no longer be solely based on static past customer behaviors or present needs, AI will be able to predict how customers’ preferences and tastes will evolve, moving forward. This development will lead to more proactive marketing strategies.

While the advancements and innovations in AI marketing are fascinating and beneficial, it is a call to marketers and other stakeholders to practice AI ethics. Strive to harness the benefits without breaking customer trust or violating ethical standards. 


AI is transforming marketing and leaving no stone unturned. From strategy to execution, there’s an AI solution that fits. However, to get the most out of AI in marketing, it must be used ethically and responsibly. 

While AI in marketing has wowed us so far, we certainly can’t say we’ve seen it all. Emerging AI technologies and evolving consumer expectations keep shaping the industry and requiring that marketing teams adjust their strategies. 

To stay ahead of the curve as a marketer, create a fusion of AI capabilities, human creativity, and strategic thinking. Only then can you satisfy customers, compete favorably, and drive growth. 

Martin Yochev

Martin is part of Team-GPT's marketing.