Annual plans now available at Team-GPT

Paying annually is now an option for both Pro and Max plans, a popular request aimed at making your billing and invoicing process straightforward.
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introducing Team-GPT annual plans
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Switch to the Max annual plan and you will save 20% over the monthly rate.

At $40 / month / 10 users (let’s break it down – $4 per user), you get all the Pro features, and more:

  • AI Editing with Pages
  • Image Generation with DALL·E 3
  • Image Recognition with Vision
  • Claude 3 integration (Opus, Sonnet, Haiku)
  • Anyscale integration (Llama, Mixtral…)

No fuss, no hassle – just an easier way to handle your payments.

More creativity. Lower cost.

Switching is easy.

As soon as you choose the annual option, you are going to be charged for the year. Don’t worry if you’ve paid for a month already; we’ll turn that into credit, which will count towards your yearly payment. The same applies if you upgrade from Pro to Max.

We also accept bank transfers as a payment method. If you’re interested, please reply to this email or contact our Customer Success Team!

Share how Max features benefit your team—we’re excited to know!
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This piece is by Team-GPT, a collective building innovative software solutions and dedicated to creating insightful, engaging content.