18 Best ChatGPT Examples in 2024 [Updated in March]

Discover the best 18 ChatGPT examples that showcase its incredible capabilities, from creative writing to problem-solving.
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18 Best ChatGPT Examples
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To say that ChatGPT is a worldwide global phenomenon is an understatement. Since its November 2022 launch, the natural language processing model has amassed over 100 million users— it took just two months to reach this. 

For context, it took Facebook and Twitter (now X) 4–5 years to achieve that.

With so many users, you can only wonder what questions they ask this AI chatbot. Well, why wonder? We’ve got the lowdown for you! Here are 18 of the best ChatGPT examples showcasing how its natural language processing capabilities have pushed the boundaries of human creativity and productivity.

What Are the Top ChatGPT Examples?

ChatGPT is an adaptable language model that can perform a wide range of tasks. Some of the things ChatGPT can do include:

  • Language Translation
  • Answering questions
  • Writing assistance
  • Creating conversational agents
  • Providing explanations
  • Offering general advice
  • Assisting with programming
  • Playing text-based games

Let’s look at some specifically interesting scenarios this powerful chatbot has dabbled with. 

ChatGPT Examples for Job Hunting:

Landing the job of your dreams—perks, benefits, and all—is often reserved for the best of the best. These are the people who know how to get a foot in with their resumes and then ace various interview stages.

Since ChatGPt burst onto the scene, it’s become easier to crack that code. Let’s look at some of the best ChatGPT examples for job searches.

1. Writing a cover letter

Repetitive and redundant. Usually unread or skimmed over. Time-consuming with little return. 

The average job seeker would use these expressions to describe the hassle of writing a cover letter for a job application, especially since job hunting involves applying to many jobs simultaneously. Usually, the major gripe is that you’ve probably already stated all the fantastic things about yourself in your resume, so why stress over a cover letter?

Well, it’s fortunate that ChatGPT exists. Crafting cover letters for all those applications is now more straightforward—it worked for this Reddit user, who landed three job interviews in under four days from the cover letters generated by the AI tool. 

The most exciting part about this is that they had struggled to get one interview from 49 applications before using AI!

2. Looking out for opportunities that fit your interests

Forget about stressing over a cover letter. What if you’re not sure what kind of jobs you should apply for? 

You could ask someone like a guidance counselor, teacher/mentor or seek out online career advice platforms to help with this. But then again, there’s a lot that could hinder you, such as:

  • Lack of awareness
  • Fear of judgment
  • Cultural or social norms
  • Lack of connection or trust
  • Limited resources
  • Personal barriers

That, and professional career advisors don’t exactly come cheap. ChatGPT, on the other hand, solves that problem. Unlike the many obstacles the traditional route faces, you only need to highlight what your strengths are, and answers on suitable opportunities fall right into your lap. 

ChatGPT Examples for E-commerce:

E-commerce has changed how we shop and run businesses today, and e-commerce websites have become the go-to platform for convenient, accessible online transactions for a range of products and services. But how does the innovation of the century for shopping fare with the next digital phenomenon?

Let’s see.

3. Creating content for your e-commerce website

Creating engaging and tailored content for an e-commerce website is a must for attracting and retaining customers. Doing it on your own while running a business can be tasking. Not only can ChatGPT streamline your content creation process, but it can also enhance your workflow and deliver a personalized shopping experience. 

With ChatGPT’s natural language capabilities, you can generate a host of content, such as 

  • Product descriptions
  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs),
  • and even interactive chatbots to assist customers in their buying journey. 

Using AI-powered content generation can help you save time and enable you to provide relevant and informative content that your target audience will resonate with, positively impacting conversions and customer satisfaction.

4. Writing emails for your subscribers

As an e-commerce business, there are several scenarios where you would need to create an engaging email for your subscribers. You may need to send welcome emails to new subscribers, promotional emails to drive sales or connect with them, ‘abandoned cart’ emails to help recover lost sales, and so much more.

But that’s easier said than done, especially with all the other tasks you need to do. Fortunately, ChatGPT can help with the heavy lifting—whether you’re sending re-engagement emails to interact with subscribers you haven’t heard from or gathering customer feedback.

ChatGPT Examples for Coding/Programming:

A lot of our progress today is all thanks to the part coding/programming played in gifting ChatGPT and the possibilities of AI to the world. One good turn must deserve another because we’re about to explore some exciting ways you can use ChatGPT in programming.

5. Writing a script for quick fixes to optimize your website

ChatGPT is an amazing companion for writing lines or a single piece of code, especially for specific purposes like implementing fixes to a website.

Want to optimize a website? Fix loading speeds? The problem may be mobile responsiveness, a bucket load of broken links and errors, or old usability and UX enhancements. Whatever the case may be, ChatGPT can help generate code examples, snippets, or scripts for those quick fixes on your website.

This versatile tool is also helpful in scenarios requiring code completion.

6. Creating code snippets

ChatGPT can generate code snippets in several programming languages based on your input and any subsequent requirements. 

Code snippets are small portions of code highlighting features, coding techniques or functions. They can be examples or reusable templates for accomplishing specific tasks or solving problems. 

You’d find code snippets commonly used in programming documentation, tutorials, or forums, helping to provide clear and concise examples of how to get around common programming challenges or use programming constructs (such as variables, exception handling, control structures, arrays and collections, etc.)

Thanks to ChatGPT, you don’t have to create a code snippet manually (leave that to the cavemen). The language model can create snippets from extensive lines of code, whether you’re looking to debug/ troubleshoot, share and collaborate with other programmers, or prepare documentation.

That’s not all ChatGPT can do with codes. You can use it to 

  • explain coding techniques & concepts
  • refactor or modify existing code
  • Document code

ChatGPT Examples for Finance/Financial Analysis:

If AI and ChatGPT can do wonders in the programming world, it’s also possible to apply them to finance.

And there are numerous possibilities. You can generate answers to financial concepts, valuation methods, or investment strategies. AI can guide financial modeling, portfolio diversification, risk management techniques, and budgeting strategies. 

What’s more, ChatGPT can explain complex financial concepts in simpler and straightforward terms and offer insights into financial statement interpretation. Let’s see some top ChatGPT examples for finance in action.

7. Creating financial models

Financial models visually represent a company’s financial statements and performance, subsequently used to analyze and project the future of said company’s finances. The world of finance considers them valuable tools for decision-making, financial planning, and evaluating a business’s financial health.

They can take many forms, such as simple spreadsheets, complex Excel files, or even sophisticated software applications. Built from historical financial data like market research, industry benchmarks, and assumptions based on industry trends, it can be quite some work to create them.

That’s where ChatGPT steps in. With a detailed prompt, you can generate a financial model that would shave a ton of work off any finance professional’s back.

8. Acting as a startup advisor

Startup culture is a dog-eat-dog world. The competition is rife, and for every opportunity to scale and gain some traction, more factors will attempt to bring you down. Sometimes, it may take the advice of experts to point you in the right direction.

We know what you’re thinking—where will I find a startup advisor willing to help? Look no further than ChatGPT. 

Whether you’re seeking advice to help you achieve your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) goals, pushing to increase user acquisition numbers, or seeking tips on investor funding, ChatGPT is your startup advisor at your beck and call.

ChatGPT Examples for Email Marketing:

Are you looking for a trustworthy writing assistant for your email marketing? ChatGPT is an excellent fit for all your email campaigns and outreaches. Some use cases it can be helpful in are generating creative ideas for subject lines, writing content, developing segmentation strategies, providing suggestions for A/B testing, etc.

Let’s check out some of these scenarios.

9. Generating engaging subject line ideas

ChatGPT is a perfect tool for generating creative and attention-grabbing subject line suggestions that’ll reel in subscribers to your email list like a charm.

The AI chatbot can incorporate various subject line techniques, like compelling words, encouraging curiosity, evoking urgency, adding humor, and using personalized info or storytelling to entice your readers to open the email.

ChatGPT can tailor generated subject lines to fit your business brand’s voice. Factors like style, tone, and specific information about the target audience. This way, you reinforce your brand image, and maintain consistency. 

Ultimately, you can use ChatGPT to conduct A/B testing to see which lines work best with your target audience.

10. Provide optimization strategies like creating a publishing schedule

What are the best times to publish and send your emails? What can you do to maximize click-through (CTR) and open rates? Do you know the proper personalization techniques to help boost engagement with readers? And what strategies can help you improve email deliverables and reduce bounce rates?

This is just a glimpse of what ChatGPT can do to help you deliver the best results from your email marketing efforts. It can also suggest recommendations on design elements, such as optimized visual elements and improved layout/formatting, and create compelling calls to action!

ChatGPT Examples for Data Science:

ChatGPT is well-equipped to assist data scientists with a range of tasks, such as exploratory data analysis (EDA), da, feature selection and engineering, and algorithm selection and evaluation, amongst a host of other functionalities.

Let’s see some real-world applications.

11. Predicting your sales revenue with a machine-learning model

ChatGPT can provide code snippets to build your machine-learning model, which you can use to predict business sales revenue based on datasets. 

Predicting sales revenue provides businesses with insights to make better decisions, optimize all processes, implement strategies for enhanced performance, and increase profits. 

Additionally, those insights would be crucial in securing more investor funding and giving companies a competitive advantage. They can adapt faster to market changes and fully cater to customers’ demands.

12. Performing exploratory data analysis (EDA)

ChatGPT is hands-on when it comes to Exploratory data analysis.

This concept is all about how we can manipulate data, analyze statistics, and visualize data. An EDA helps you familiarize yourself with your dataset, exploring its structure, content, and characteristics to gain insights into its content. This way, you learn about the data’s potential, limitations or patterns, and existing relationships with other sets.

You can also assess a dataset’s quality and identify missing or incomplete data. This helps you determine how to handle such data during analysis or modeling. EDA is also crucial in data cleaning and preprocessing considerations, helping you decide on how to fix any issues before modeling. 

That’s a lot to do, and there’s still more. Fortunately, we can automate EDAs with the help of ChatGPT and AI.

ChatGPT Examples for Python:

We may have already touched on one or two ChatGPT examples involving Python, but there’s always room for more direct examples. Let’s explore some exciting ways ChatGPT and this programming language have worked together.

13. Learning the bubble sort algorithm with Python codes

New to the world of sorting algorithms? ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in learning and understanding sorting algorithms like Bubble Sort. Bubble Sort is a simple algorithm you can use to arrange a list of elements (mostly numbers) in a specific order, e.g., descending or ascending. 

Using ChatGPT, you can explore explanations of the Bubble Sort algorithm step-by-step with accompanying Python code examples to create an interactive learning experience. This allows you to grasp the fundamentals of sorting algorithms, including Bubble Sort, and gain insights into their applications and limitations. ChatGPT also helps you learn which to use in different situations.

14. Generating images with ChatGPT using Python Image Library

Another fascinating application of ChatGPT with Python is to generate images using the Python Imaging Library (PIL). Using ChatGPT prompts, we can create unique and interesting visuals by combining the AI model’s text generation abilities with PIL’s image manipulation functionalities. 

A simple Python script is all that’s needed, and voila! We’ve created a dynamic image generation process.

For instance, by typing in a description like “A colourful sunset over the ocean with vibrant orange and purple hues,” ChatGPT can generate text that describes the image.

We can then use PIL to translate this description into a captivating image itself, with all the colours and elements described.

ChatGPT Examples for Customer Service:

For one of the most human-centric professions/services out there, it’s surprising how efficient ChatGPT can be with customer service. But hold on, we’re not saying it can replace the human element of customer service reps; it just makes their work better and more manageable. 

Let’s take a look at how:

15. Replying to customer complaints with ease

Dealing with customer complaints is the hallmark of customer service. It’s a delicate process that requires you to be thoughtful and empathetic toward your customers to ensure their satisfaction at the end of the day.

Customers want to know that you have listened to them and that you will address their concerns. Then, of course, you must apologize for any inconvenience and assure them you’ll resolve all the issues. Sounds simple enough, right?

Until you’ve got to deal with a bunch of them or handle just one particularly displeased customer. With ChatGPT, though, it gets a lot easier.

16. Training you to develop your soft skills

Customer service soft skills are important traits for dealing with the day-to-day struggle of handling customer complaints. It could be as simple as a well-thought-out phrase showing empathy or as detailed as product knowledge to help you provide the best assistance.

If you’re wondering how to hone such soft skills, ChatGPT can be your personal trainer, helping you become the best customer service agent.

ChatGPT Examples for Music:

There are few things as universally acceptable as music. It’s an art form that crosses all boundaries, and all demographics and opens up doors to different possibilities. And with ChatGPT, you can get better at it.

ChatGPT can help you learn about concepts like music theory, help you discover the historical context of songs, or even suggest instruments that should suit you. Let’s take a look at some of the top ChatGPT examples for music.

17. Learning about music theory

Music theory teaches us how we can create, organize, and interpret music. 

By understanding these elements, music lovers gain a deeper appreciation of what makes this art form tick. This helps them create a better connection and, eventually, better-composed songs.

ChatGPT can help enthusiasts learn concepts in music theory, such as chord progression, form, structure, notes, and scales, as well as the elements of Orchestration and Instrumentation.

18. Providing music production tips.

Are you trying to make that next banger but keep getting stuck on a few production issues? Not to worry. ChatGPT isn’t only great for the theoretical or conceptual aspects of music—it can help provide music production tips to make your compositions run much smoother.

ChatGPT can teach you how to: 

  • Layer instruments
  • Add creative effects
  • Implement parallel processing
  • Reference tracks
  • Use panning to create a sense of space and separation in your mix, and more.

What Are Other Cool Things You Can Do with ChatGPT?

Create an adventurous story for playing Dungeons & Dragons.

We’re willing to bet you didn’t even think of this one.

Yes, ChatGPT also excels in the role-playing game genre, namely the famous Dungeons and Dragons. You can create a unique text-based adventure with the AI chatbot, complete with all the works but, of course, you’ll need a really detailed prompt. Just like the one u/RamiBlack, another Reddit user came up with.

What this also means is that you can create game campaigns for real-life DnD parties, full of twists and turns, to keep everyone engrossed.

It can act as your personal itinerary planner and travel guide to different countries.

Visiting distant lands comes with excitement and uncertainty. As detailed as reviews can be, you never quite know what to expect until you get there. The greater evil is not knowing what to do when you arrive—help, boredom!

That’s why travel guides are necessary, but real ones could cost you a buck. With ChatGPT, you get a free itinerary planner and travel guide in one package. Just be sure to cross-check the information you get from the bot, so you don’t fall prey to one of its infamous “hallucinations.”

Serving as a debugging virtual assistant

Dealing with bugs is every developer’s worst nightmare, primarily because the bigger problem lies in finding them. How do you fix an issue that’s driving you crazy when you can’t even find it in the first place? 

With ChatGPT as your trusty sidekick, debugging is easier and less backbreaking. ChatGPT not only finds bugs within a code but can explain them and suggest solutions for a fix. You can actually start seeing debugging as an opportunity to learn and grow your skills—compared to seeing it as a plague from the pits of hell.

And if you want, it could even provide tips to help you manage your mental state when dealing with those nasty bugs.

Carry out a grammar check.

Grammarly can be an inaccurate bother sometimes, or maybe you’re sick of the freemium version and don’t particularly want to pay for a monthly/yearly subscription. Not to fear, you can still track down those nasty spelling and grammar errors in your text with ChatGPT.

Of course, it works in almost the same way as most grammar checkers, so you still need to recheck the new text for any inconsistencies.

Collaborate With Your Team on ChatGPT

ChatGPT can do some amazing things but with TeamGPT, an innovative platform powered by AI that lets you collaborate with teammates and enhances productivity, you can unlock boundless possibilities. Sign up now and experience the future of collaboration!


How does the performance of ChatGPT compare to other AI models in similar tasks?

ChatGPT’s performance relative to other AI models varies based on specific tasks; it is designed for high accuracy and user satisfaction across a broad range of applications, but comparisons depend on the context and criteria used

What are the limitations and challenges of using ChatGPT?

The limitations of using ChatGPT include potential biases in its responses, the requirement for clear input to generate accurate outputs, and its reliance on the data it was trained on, which may not cover all possible scenarios or the latest information.

How does ChatGPT ensure data privacy and security?

Regarding data privacy and security, OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, implements various measures to protect user data, including encryption and adherence to privacy regulations. However, the specific mechanisms and policies are complex and continuously evolving to address emerging security challenges and privacy concerns.

Iliya Valchanov
CEO at  | Website

Iliya teaches 1.3M students on the topics of AI, data science, and machine learning. He is a serial entrepreneur, who has co-founded Team-GPT, 3veta, and 365 Data Science. Iliya’s latest project, Team-GPT is helping companies like Maersk, EY, Charles Schwab, Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, Columbia University adopt AI in the most private and secure way.