28 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers in 2024

In this article, I will discuss the 28 best ChatGPT prompts for product managers that can help you save time and effort.
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16 min read
28 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers
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As a founder, I always tell my product manager to explore ChatGPT and discover how the tool can help ideate.

With ChatGPT, product managers can streamline communication, analyze data, prepare for meetings, and define product features.

In this article, I will discuss the 28 awesome ChatGPT prompts for product managers that can help you save time and effort.

What are the Best ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers?

The primary aim of product managers when using ChatGPT is to save time and streamline operations.

Let’s see how. 

#1. Market Research

The first step in launching any product is market research; ChatGPT can help you with it. 

Understanding the market in and out can help you with product development, marketing, and long-term strategy. Without analysis, a product manager is shooting arrows in the dark. 🎯

The prompt below is a blueprint for conducting market research in a specific niche.

It will let you:

  • Allocate resources effectively
  • Understand competitor strategies
  • Spot opportunities or threats early on
  • Evaluate external and internal factors that might impact your product launch

Here’s the prompt 👇


Act as a product manager, browse the web, and perform market research in the [enter your niche] niche. 

Give me:

  • Global market size and growth projections
  • Key players and their market share
  • Industry trends and technologies
  • SWOT analysis
  • Customer needs and pain points
  • Competitive advantages and USPs

👀 Note: Use the Web Requests plugin from ChatGPT’s plugin library to browse the web and get results.

Follow-up prompt:

Perform the same market research, but this time only for the European market.

#2. Conceptualization

ChatGPT can help product managers with conceptualization – a process done to develop a comprehensive understanding of a product idea. 

This includes knowing the product’s

  • Target audience
  • Features
  • Unique selling point
  • Technical requirements

And more.

Product managers generally conduct conceptualization before any development work begins. That ensures everyone in the team has the same vision for the product.


I plan to develop a [tool + niche] aimed at [what customer pain points the tool solves]

The tool will cater to [describe your target audience]

Help me conceptualize this project by addressing the following points:

  • Target Audience: Key users and their pain points.
  • Core Features: Essential functionalities the tool must have.
  • Unique Selling Points: What differentiates this tool from existing solutions?
  • Technical Requirements: Technologies best suited for this project.
  • Monetization: Potential revenue streams.
  • Risks and Challenges: What obstacles should I anticipate?
  • Milestones: Key stages in development.

Follow-up prompt:

Could you now focus on the following areas and deep dive:

  • Feature Prioritization: Given the core features, which one should be developed first for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
  • User Experience: What key design principles can enhance usability for the target audience?
  • Market Validation: What steps should I take to validate the market need for this tool?
  • Data and Analytics: What key metrics should the tool provide users?

#3. Generating Product Requirements Document (PRD)

ChatGPT is good at helping product managers create a standard PRD template that includes all necessary sections.

A product requirements document is a detailed outline that describes the product’s purpose, features, functionality, etc., you plan to launch.

It’s a guide that you, as a product manager, make for your developers, designers, and other employees involved in the development process.


As the Product Manager for a [tool + niche, for example – AI marketing tool] aimed at [describe your target audience], create a comprehensive Product Requirements Document (PRD). 

Assist me in generating this document by covering the following areas:

  • Introduction: Briefly explain the product’s vision, objectives, and scope.
  • Target Audience: Detail the primary users and their needs.
  • Functional Requirements: List the essential features and functionalities for MVP and future releases.
  • Technical Specifications: Outline the technical architecture, data models, and third-party integrations required.
  • UI/UX Requirements: Describe the user interface design, key user flows, and interaction models.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Define what constitutes a ‘done’ feature or functionality.
  • Metrics and KPIs: Identify key performance indicators to measure success.
  • Compliance and Security: Explain any legal or security considerations.
  • Timeline: Estimate the development timeline, including milestones.

Follow-up prompt:

Now that we have a draft PRD for our [tool], could you help refine it? 

I seek guidance on feature validation, technical feasibility, UI/UX refinements, and risk assessment. 

#4. Identify Feature’s Limitations

Lenny Rachitsky of Lenny’s Newsletter asked product managers on Twitter how they used ChatGPT to automate and save time.

From all the replies he got, here’s one of my favorite prompts 👇


Tell me 5 reasons this feature: [feature name] won’t work as intended.

Follow-up prompt:

Can you now identify solutions for these limitations to help me overcome them?

#5. Bug Testing

Identifying bugs in the code with ChatGPT is quick and easy. The tool not only spots bugs in the code but also suggests the right code snippets.

Product managers often need to test the code for bugs when a product feature doesn’t work as intended.

Bug testing is a task product managers should prioritize to:

  • Ensure product quality standards
  • Minimize negative customer feedback
  • Streamline development process


Can you perform a bug test on the code below:

[insert code]

#6. Customer Interviews

When we were in the development phase for Team-GPT, our product manager, Simona, leveraged ChatGPT as a strategic partner to plan customer interviews.

👀 Note: When you release a tool for beta users, always conduct a customer interview before you make your tool public. Here’s why:

  • Validation: Confirms whether the product meets users’ standards and solves their pain points.
  • Quality assurance: Identify and fix bugs, glitches, or usability issues.
  • Feature refinement: Learn which features need improvement and what new ones to add.

Here’s a prompt Simona used to plan user interviews with ChatGPT 👇


Hi, I am part of a startup team developing a SaaS product for team collaboration while using ChatGPT. 

I am planning a customer interviews sprint where we’ll aim to interview 10-15 power users of our product to understand how they use it, why they like it, their needs, use cases, and success stories. 

In this conversation, I will ask you to be my strategic partner when planning the interview questions, format, etc., for the interview. You will be my consultant and ask me questions that will help you help me better. 

Does this make sense?

Simon then gave ChatGPT additional context and answered its questions.

Follow-up prompt:

Okay, thank you. I’ll answer your questions now.

1. Interview goals: 

  • Understand how users use our product, what problems they solve for the use cases, and their use cases. 
  • Understand the user pain points and what we can improve our product.
  • Find successful use cases where we have helped our users elevate their work by saving them time or money. These would be the basis for our customer success case studies, which we’ll use as a marketing tool later. 

2. Target interviewee: 

  • We will be interviewing power users. Since our product focuses on team collaboration, we’ll be interviewing members of really active teams on our platform. The team members we contact will be the power users, but their colleagues must also use the product. 

3. Interview format: 

  • The interview will be conducted live, 1 on 1, over Zoom or other video call software. 

4. Questions structure: 

  • This is something I’ll decide on with your help during this conversation.

5. Post-interview actions: 

  • This is something I’ll decide on with your help during this conversation

#7. Pricing Model Finalization

ChatGPT helps summarize and interpret market data or customer feedback, letting you identify pricing sweet spots.

If you’ve not checked your competitor pricing, ask ChatGPT. 

Here’s a prompt that can save you the time and effort you’d spend testing for the optimal pricing:


Help me finalize the pricing strategy for my AI marketing tool for [describe your target audience]

Based on a competitive landscape where the average subscription price ranges from [price range of your competitors] per month, provide recommendations on:

  • The most suitable pricing model (subscription, freemium, one-time payment)
  • Price points that align with the value delivered
  • Upsells or add-ons that could increase revenue
  • Are there any customer segmentation strategies to consider for differential pricing?

Follow-up prompt:

Based on the given pricing strategies and considerations, outline a specific action plan for finalizing our product’s pricing model. Use a step-by-step approach and make sure your steps are logical and you reach the right conclusion.

I’m interested in a timeline, key milestones, and recommended methods for testing and validating the chosen strategy.

#8. Press Release

As a product manager, use ChatGPT to generate text for the press release and ensure it covers all key points clearly and concisely. 

You can even ask it for proper structure and format, the key message to convey, and the tone.

A press release is an official statement product managers might issue to the media and provide information about their new product launch, share significant milestones, or just create buzz and attract attention to the product.


Act as a product manager and write a press release for our upcoming product launch. I seek help structuring the release, key messaging, and distribution channels. Here are the details you might need:

[enter all the details below]

  • Product name
  • Key features
  • Launch date
  • Target audience
  • Pricing information
  • Unique selling points
  • High-level company info
  • Supporting quotes (from execs or beta users)
  • Any partnerships or collaborations related to this launch 

Follow-up prompt:

Please give me 3 short press release texts for three different channels:

1. Facebook

2. Email

3. Website blog

#9. Customer Onboarding

ChatGPT can be a solid customer onboarding assistant for your company. 

Here’s why.

It can act as a chatbot, answer customer questions, or personalize the onboarding experience based on user behavior and preferences.

Most importantly, product managers can leverage ChatGPT to outline an effective onboarding strategy by giving it related details.


As we gear up for the product launch, I must solidify our customer onboarding process. Could you help outline an effective onboarding strategy, taking into account user education, early engagement, and troubleshooting? 

Here are the product-related details you might need:

[insert all the details below]

  • Target audience
  • Key product features
  • Common user pain points
  • User journey map
  • Existing customer support channels
  • Product documentation (if available)

Follow-up prompt:

Help me prioritize the elements of the onboarding strategy we’ve outlined. I’m looking for a phased implementation plan, focusing first on the most critical steps that can drive user engagement and reduce churn.

#10. Tracking KPIs

Product managers can integrate ChatGPT with analytics software and databases and ask it for real-time updates on specific metrics like:

  • User engagement
  • Conversion rate
  • Customer acquisition costs

And more…

At the beginning of the KPI tracking process, you can ask ChatGPT what KPIs to track for a specific operation you’re monitoring and then set up your analytics accordingly.


As we aim to optimize our product’s performance, could you guide me on tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for [specific operation]

What metrics should we focus on, and what tools would you recommend for effective tracking? 

For your analysis, please consider factors like user engagement, retention rate, and conversion.

Follow-up prompt:

Could you now break down the steps to implement tracking for the recommended User Acquisition KPIs? 

I’m interested in a concise action plan, including the timeline and resources required.

#11. Analyze Customer Reviews

ChatGPT is quick and efficient when analyzing customer reviews. This feature comes in handy when analyzing customer reviews for your product. 

Review offers direct user feedback that helps you understand what’s working and what’s not.

The best way to analyze customer reviews is to give ChatGPT the reviews and ask it to tell you every single detail about that review.


[Review 1]

[Review 2]

[Review 3]

And so on…

In a table format, analyze the above reviews and give me the following details:

  • Is the review positive or negative?
  • What is the customer sentiment?
  • What problems are customers facing?
  • What problems did my product successfully solve?
  • How can I improve my product?

Follow-up prompt:

How can I solve the issue: [an issue you identify after review analysis] for my customers?

#12. Write SQL Queries

Although writing SQL queries isn’t the primary role of a product manager, they might need it some time. 

Using ChatGPT to write SQL queries is easy. Just describe what you need, and ChatGPT can generate an SQL query.

It can also help minimize errors by generative syntactically correct SQL queries based on your natural language input.

What’s more, you don’t need to spend time figuring out the correct syntax or structure of complex queries.


Can you generate an SQL query for me that pulls the names, email addresses, and total purchase amounts of all active users from our database who have made at least one purchase in the last 30 days? 

Sort them by the date of their last purchase.

#13. Create a Pitch Deck

Crafting a compelling pitch deck is time-consuming and challenging. 

ChatGPT can assist in this crucial task by generating content for various deck sections, such as market analysis, competitive landscape, or product features.

But why does a product manager need to create a pitch deck?

Product managers often need to secure buy-in from stakeholders, be it executives, team members, or potential investors. The pitch deck is like a comprehensive presentation that outlines the product vision and the market potential.


Help me create a pitch deck for my new software product [describe what the product does].

I need sections on market analysis, competitive landscape, product features, and key performance indicators.

Here are the details for you to refer to:

[enter the details below]

  • Target audience
  • Market size
  • Main competitors
  • Product features
  • Key performance indicators

#14. Streamline Communication

ChatGPT significantly enhances communication efficiency for Product Managers by automating routine tasks like sending emails, generating meeting agendas, and summarizing minutes. 

This not only saves time but also ensures that the communication is standardized and error-free.


Draft an email for users of my AI marketing tool, informing them of a new feature I just launched for my product. 

[describe the feature].

Follow-up prompt:

Please also type a Slack message of about 100 words that I can send to all my employees, making them aware of this new feature.

#15. Data Analysis

Let’s face it: summarizing large datasets manually is tiring. PMs often need to analyze data and come to a conclusion. That’s where ChatGPT comes into play.

ChatGPT can help you process and summarize large datasets, offering insights into key performance indicators like customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, and monthly recurring revenue. 


Analyze the quarterly performance data of my SaaS product, focusing on customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), and monthly recurring revenue (MRR). 

Provide insights and recommendations to optimize these metrics for the next quarter.

[insert data]

#16. Come Up with QA Testing Scenarios

With ChatGPT, you can generate detailed QA testing scenarios that cover multiple edge cases. This saves time and streamlines the testing phase, eliminating the need for PMs to meticulously craft scenarios manually.

By automating QA testing scenario generation, you can focus more on strategic aspects like market research, customer feedback, and feature prioritization.


Develop a QA test case scenario to validate our mobile app’s new user registration feature.

#17. Challenge Your Arguments

By posing counter-arguments or presenting alternative viewpoints, ChatGPT aids in identifying potential blind spots in your reasoning. 

This is particularly useful when you’re planning to launch a new feature, market strategy, or product change. 

The AI’s ability to quickly generate well-thought-out responses enables you to scrutinize your own perspectives more rigorously.


Challenge my argument – our AI writing tool doesn’t need a dark mode. Help me make a decision if I should or shouldn’t implement the dark mode feature.

What are the Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Product Managers?

ChatGPT offers a range of benefits to streamline tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve communication for product managers.

#1. Streamlined Communication

Product managers can leverage ChatGPT as a powerful tool to automate routine communication. Whether drafting emails or creating Slack messages, ChatGPT can do it all. This specific benefit helps you free up time and focus on more strategic aspects of your role.

#2. Data Analysis

One major reason PMs love ChatGPT is its ability to sift through large datasets and summarize valuable insights that help make informed decisions.

From analyzing market trends to customer behavior, ChatGPT gives you a quick and efficient way to understand the data you feed, making it the go-to asset for product managers.

#3. Meeting Prep

Attending meetings is a daily task for almost every product manager. To prepare for such meetings beforehand, ChatGPT can assist by generating agendas, talking points, and summarizing previous meeting minutes.

Amogh Sarda, an ex-product manager at Intercom and Atlassian, published a LinkedIn post sharing how he used ChatGPT to increase work productivity.

I discovered his LinkedIn post when searching for PMs that use ChatGPT and show people how to do it. 👇


FYI: The post got 10,000+ likes and 734 reposts 🤯.

Collaborate with your Product Management Team with Team-GPT

As a product manager, you might be handling developers, designers, writers, and more. What if we said you could bring them on board on a single ChatGPT account and work together?

Meet Team-GPT – a SaaS to learn, collaborate, and master ChatGPT in one shared workspace.

The platform lets you:

  • Organize chats in folders and reduce clutter
  • Leverage 100+ ready-to-use prompt templates
  • Learn tips and tricks and master ChatGPT
  • Measure the AI adoption rate 

And do much more.

Sounds exciting?

Sign up for our free Team-GPT plan, onboard your product team, and achieve all your business goals as a product manager.

More ChatGPT Prompts from Team-GPT

Check out other prompts-related articles from us to 10x your usage of prompts. Here are some of the best ones:

Iliya Valchanov
CEO at  | Website

Iliya teaches 1.3M students on the topics of AI, data science, and machine learning. He is a serial entrepreneur, who has co-founded Team-GPT, 3veta, and 365 Data Science. Iliya’s latest project, Team-GPT is helping companies like Maersk, EY, Charles Schwab, Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, Columbia University adopt AI in the most private and secure way.