Team-GPT for Marketing Webinar
Team-GPT secures $4.5M led by True Ventures.


LECTURE RESOURCES: Read this lecture in Team-GPT, it is interactive and contains notes and comments from the author.

And here our interactive journey ends.

At least its first part.

Ending Remarks on Our Interactive Journey

I have given everything Iโ€™ve got to make this experience as exciting as possible for you!

And not only me.

The whole team at Team-GPT have collaborated to make the course truly extraordinary.

๐Ÿ’ก This lesson is a part of the ChatGPT for Work course

The course is interactive, if you take it inside the Team-GPT platform.

ChatGPT for Work: The Interactive Course contains:

โ€ข 100+ tried and tested prompts
โ€ข 100+ exercises
โ€ข 100+ extra notes and comments
โ€ข 1000s of use cases
โ€ข PDFs files for later reference

It is also completely FREE.

Start today and become a ChatGPT expert in less than 7 days!

Our Goal: Teaching AI Differently

We did not want to simply teach you AI.

The goal was to make you feel what it means to have an assisted brain.

Now you know.

Iโ€™m very grateful for your time.

It was an absolute pleasure to spend it together.

Embracing the Human-AI Relationship

Thank you for trusting the process.

You have now bonded with the AI.

From here on, please continue exploring the universe of assisted intelligence.

This Human-AI relationship will continue for a lifetime.

Remember the feeling of first touch with GPT.

This is it.


Thank you!

Take ChatGPT for Work: The Interactive Course for FREE.

Updated on October 26, 2023